A solution by celver AG
Module Liquidity Planning
The Celver Module Liquidity Planning consists of four relevant, fully integrated parts that put you quickly up and running
Set up planning solution
- Transfer of P&L into the structure of the liquidity plan
- Load open item lists and order backlog
- Maintain parameters for customers and vendors (DSO, DPO, cluster)
- Set up strategies and tasks in dunning
- Maintain VAT and other tax rates
Plan deposits and withdrawals
- Deposits from accounts receivables including default risk and automatic pre-calculation based on contractual or calculated customer payment targets
- Expected deposits from order backlog (invoicing) and automatic pre-calculation of incoming payments based on contractual or calculated customer payment targets
- Transfer of P&L revenue into a payment plan using parameters and delimitation to open items and order backlog
- Transfer of the cost of goods sold into a payment plan using parameters
- Transfer of G&A costs (monthly via financial plan) into daily payment information.
- Plan incoming and outgoing payments for investments and financing
- Automatic calculation of VAT and input tax including tax deferrals
Plan lines of credit
- Planning overdrafts
- Planning additional loans and credit lines
- Planning repayments and interest
Calculate cash reserve or shortfall
- Merging the individual planning components to form a consolidated liquidity plan
- Deposits
- Withdrawals
- Line of credit
- Weekly determination of the cash reserve or shortfall for the coming weeks
- Comparison to the last plan (previous week)
- Further graphical visualizations
Workflow-controlled planning
- Determination of those involved in planning while maintaining data security
- Visual overview of the planning status via a workflow monitor
- A Fast start to the next weekly planning round thanks to automatic data transfer from the previous week and data pre-calculations
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