You’re in safe hands.

Board is committed to the highest level of transparency, trust, and regulatory compliance. We dedicate special attention to information security and corporate governance at every level of the organization. Find out more about the corporate governance, security accreditations, and industry certifications which underpin this commitment.

Multiple ISO Certifications

Our ongoing commitment to stringent security and operational excellence is demonstrated through the numerous ISO Certifications we hold in relation to our SaaS-based Board Enterprise Planning Platform.

ISO 27001

International standard for information security management systems.

ISO 27017

Code of practice for information security controls for cloud services.

ISO 27018

Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information for cloud services.

ISO 9001

Globally recognized standard for quality management.

Cloud data centers with the highest level of certified security.

Board customers can count on the highest security levels offered by Microsoft Azure data centers, where Board Cloud is hosted. Azure provides the most comprehensive set of compliance certifications and attestations, such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2, as well as country-specific standards like Australia IRAP, UK G-Cloud, and Singapore MTCS.

Board Cloud logo

Microsoft's global datacenters control and manage customer data with the experience gained from over two decades of keeping data safe, maintaining privacy, and meeting compliance requirements

David Marmer

SVP of Product, Board

The scalability and security of Microsoft Azure helps Board deliver powerful planning solutions for its global customers.

Nicole Herskowitz

Senior Director of Product Marketing Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Corp

System and Organization Controls (SOC)

Board maintains several attestations and accreditations to ensure that we provide the highest standards of service and reliability to our customers.

Board is committed to third-party standards and validations of the policies and procedures we use to ensure and maintain the principles of security and availability of the Board cloud service.

Our operations, policies and procedures are regularly evaluated and reviewed to ensure that they meet and exceed all compliance standards.

Learn more about our SOC­® accreditations below. 

“SOC reports provide a management assertion and third-party auditor’s opinion that controls were properly designed to meet their objectives, and that they were tested and operated effectively during the audit period. Successfully completing the SOC audit is further confirmation of our commitment to implement controls that will reassure clients that their compliance is as high a priority for us as it is for them and make it easier for organizations with strict compliance requirements to work with us.”

David Marmer

VP Product

SOC 1 reports on controls at a service organization which are relevant to a user entity’s internal control over financial reporting. The SOC 1 Type II report includes a detailed description of tests of controls performed by the service auditor and results of the tests.

The examination is conducted in accordance with the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 (SSAE 18) established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and with the international Standard of Assurance Engagement (ISAE) 3402.

SOC 1 Type II report is only available upon customer request.

If interested, please contact your Board sales representative

SOC 2 reports on controls at a service organization unrelated to financial reporting. The focus is on standards important to the security, availability, or processing integrity of the service organization’s system, and the confidentiality and privacy. A given SOC 2 report may be based on one or more trust principles.

The SOC 2 Type II report includes a detailed description of tests of controls performed by the service auditor and the test results.

The controls are found in the Trust Services Principles and Criteria (TSP) Section 100 which is maintained by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

SOC 2 Type II report is made available upon customer request.

If interested, please contact your Board sales representative

SOC 3 provides users and interested parties a report about the controls at the service organization related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality or privacy.

The SOC 3 report is created by the third-party company that performs the SOC 2 audit.

A SOC 3 report can be distributed for general use.

Board has obtained a SOC 3 report.

View the SOC 3

The Board platform is officially certified as “Swiss Made Software” by, underscoring the breadth of functionality and innovation delivered by Board. Swiss Made Software certification stands for Swiss values like quality, reliability and precision in software development, and it allows IT companies to certify the Swiss origin of their software globally.

Board’s software production processes are carried out entirely in Switzerland.

The Swiss Made certification is not only a recognition of the product’s quality, but also an affirmation of our continual efforts to bring groundbreaking innovation to the world’s software market.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The Board Code of Conduct and Ethics helps guide strategic decisions and the daily activities of all who work at and collaborate with the company. Honesty, respect, transparency, fairness, impartiality, and equal opportunities are some of the values that determine the way Board does business and the conditions for achieving its objectives.

Download our Code of Conduct and Ethics

“Our Code of Conduct and Ethics drives the decisions we make and enhances our approach to integration, customization, and compliance.”

Jeff Casale

CEO of Board