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NVA Deploys BOARD Platform to Share and Analyze Accurate, Timely Data Among North American Veterinary Hospitals

BOARD International, the leading global provider of software for unified Business Intelligence, Analytics and Performance Management, today announced that National Veterinary Associates (NVA) has deployed the BOARD BI and Analytics Platform to standardize the collection, sharing and distribution of data among NVA headquarters and its veterinary hospitals throughout North America and Canada.

Headquartered in Agoura Hills, CA, NVA owns and manages more than 290 veterinary hospitals in 39 States and Canada, which provide a broad range of animal wellness, veterinary treatments and surgical services.  

In selecting the BOARD platform, NVA was looking for a unified analytics platform to compare, analyze, and share information with its hospital and business leaders.

“With BOARD, we can now broadcast operational data to our staffs throughout corporate and our member hospitals via a single user interface, said Jared Gonzalez,” NVA Manager of Reporting.

 “Our primary goal is to build a reporting and analysis repository on the BOARD platform that provides users easy access to their data in an interactive, self-service environment.  BOARD gives us the ability to connect to data arriving from many sources, allowing our users to easily drill down from one data server to another to gather the information they require.”   

By importing its annual budget into the BOARD platform, NVA is giving its users access to a wealth of data they can analyze to spot trends and set benchmarks against to sharpen their operational performance.

“With the initial deployment of BOARD, we are only scratching the surface of operational reporting this platform allows.  Once fully implemented, our hospital leaders will be able to leverage patient data to evaluate the level of care being provided to each patient.  This in turn helps corporate set operational standards and benchmarks that help drive performance,” said Mr. Gonzalez.

About NVA

National Veterinary Associates is one of the largest owners of independent veterinary hospitals in the US, with more than 290 hospitals in 39 states and Canada.  Founded in 1996, NVA envisions veterinary medicine as best practiced when veterinarians craft their own hospital and community-specific strategies for high quality patient care and client services.

NVA makes available the tools and resources for hospitals to achieve their medical goals while avoiding any single standardized national plan that might not be the best fit for an individual hospital.  Managing veterinarians decide what level of medicine they would like their hospitals to achieve, and NVA provides the support to get them there.

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