BOARD vince l’oro agli Info-Tech Live Awards di Las Vegas
BOARD International è stata nominata medaglia d’oro per la Business Intelligence nel Software Reviews Data Quadrant awards 2018.
Svoltasi durante l’ evento live di Info-Tech a Las Vegas, la cerimonia si tiene ogni anno e assegna un riconoscimento ufficiale ai software vendors che sono stati identificati come leader nel proprio campo.
BOARD International ha ricevuto l’oro, essendo stata nominata vincitrice nel del Data Quadrant Software Reviews Business Intelligence de 2018 grazie alla sua piattaforma di decision-making all-in-one, BOARD. Il posizionamento all’interno del Quadrante è determinato dalla combinazione delle valutazioni date dall’utente finale all’esperienza del vendor e alle sue competenze, nonché alla soddisfazione dell’utente e alle caratteristiche del prodotto, per le quali BOARD ha ricevuto un punteggio eccezionalmente alto.
“BOARD unifica analisi, simulazione e pianificazione per rendere i processi decisionali aziendali più accurati e più efficienti. Ricevere un premio che non si basa solo su queste funzionalità del prodotto ma anche sulle recensioni delle persone, è per noi indicatore che stiamo fornendo una soluzione davvero apprezzata dai nostri clienti” ha commentato Giovanni Grossi, CEO di BOARD International.
About Data Quadrant Awards and Software Reports:
Software Reviews Data Quadrant Awards are awarded annually to recognize outstanding vendors in the technology marketplace as evaluated by their users. Top vendors in a software category are eligible to receive Data Quadrant Gold Medals, provided their scores meet the threshold for sufficiently high user satisfaction across four areas of evaluation: vendor capabilities, product features, likeliness to recommend and vendor experience. Full vendor evaluations are available in our in-depth software evaluation reports.
About Info-Tech Research Group and Software Reviews:
Software Reviews is a division of Info-Tech Research Group Inc., a world-class IT research and advisory firm established in 1997. Having worked in the vendor space for two decades, Software Reviews is a leading source of expertise and insight into the enterprise software landscape and client-vendor relationships.
By collecting real data from IT and business professionals, Software Reviews’ methodology produces the most detailed and authentic insights into the experience of evaluating and purchasing enterprise software.
About BOARD:
BOARD is the #1 decision-making platform. Founded in 1994 and Headquartered in Chiasso, Switzerland, and Boston, MA, BOARD International has enabled more than 3000 companies worldwide to effectively deploy Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management and Predictive Analytics applications on a single platform. The BOARD platform allows companies to achieve a single, accurate and complete view of business information and full control of performance across the entire organization. Thanks to BOARD, global enterprises such as Coca-Cola, DHL, KPMG, Puma, Siemens, H&M and ZF Group have deployed end-to-end decision-making applications in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions.