
Enterprise Demand Planning con Board

Affronta le sfide della supply chain con lungimiranza e agilità.

La previsione della domanda dei clienti non è facile. Dalle interruzioni che influenzano le catene di fornitura ai rapidi cambiamenti del sentiment dei clienti, il tuo team deve prendere le migliori decisioni possibili nei momenti cruciali. Nel mercato odierno, posizionare la tua azienda per il successo richiede una soluzione di Enterprise Planning che faccia la differenza.

Con l'Enterprise Demand Planning di Board, le organizzazioni possono rapidamente potenziare le loro capacità e prevedere con precisione la domanda dei clienti. Utilizzando l'Enterprise Planning Platform di Board, il tuo team è ottiene approfondimenti dettagliati sui modelli di domanda, in modo da poter prendere decisioni basate sui dati che ti aiutano a superare la concorrenza.

Abbiamo reso semplice vedere il valore che la nostra piattaforma può offrire al tuo team. Guarda questa dimostrazione video per vedere come funziona l?Enterprise Demand Planning con Board e prova diversi scenari di pianificazione per determinare la più efficace soluzione da prendere.

00:00:03Is demand planning driving you crazy? You're not the only one.

00:00:07This job is more complex and more important than ever thanks to frequent supply

00:00:11chain disruptions, changing customer sentiment and new technologies like AI.

00:00:16That's why over 2,000 leading global organizations turn to the Board Intelligent

00:00:20Planning Platform.

00:00:21And that's why I'm here with a short demo of how Board solutions can help you

00:00:25and your business plan smarter.

00:00:29Let's say I'm on the sales and operations planning team at PenCo,

00:00:32a leading producer of, you guessed it, pens. And as demand planner extraordinaire,

00:00:37I need to see the future to understand which factors impact product, supply,

00:00:41production costs, and demand, and to play out scenarios.

00:00:45This helps PenCo make informed decisions, to sell more pens, and to do better

00:00:49business. Now, this used to take days. With Board Intelligent Planning,

00:00:54I can do it all in minutes. Let me show you how.

00:00:58Here's my demand planning dashboard. Hey,

00:01:01looks like our flagship ballpoint pens had a pretty significant demand spike in

00:01:05June. Let's take a closer look. This calls for some scenario planning.

00:01:10Let's model our sales price and sales volume uplift and explore margin


00:01:15I bet my leadership team will be thrilled to make a proactive data-driven

00:01:19decision now. So let's consider three scenarios. First,

00:01:24we have a safe one, passing some cost increase onto customers with a 3% price

00:01:27hike, netting us an 8% sales uplift.

00:01:30Then there's a middle road which passes all of the increased cost onto our

00:01:34customers, but nets a smaller 7% increase. And finally,

00:01:38there's the bold approach,

00:01:39which absorbs all the increased cost and boosts sales by 20%.

00:01:44But how do we know which option is best for the business? Time for a showdown.

00:01:49Let's compare the impact on volume, revenue, and net margin for each scenario.

00:01:54I can even adjust the phasing of the uplift over time to represent the expected

00:01:57market response to price changes. There we go.

00:02:00Comparing scenarios side by side,

00:02:02we now have a data-driven forecast that supports the middle road, generating the

00:02:06biggest margin.

00:02:07I can't wait to share this recommendation with the sales and operations leadership

00:02:11team. Now that's just the beginning. With Board,

00:02:15I can drill down by product, region, customer,

00:02:18and more to address planning challenges across our business,

00:02:21eliminating guesswork and countless hours of manual work and lost opportunity.

00:02:26Visit to learn more and talk to an expert about the power of

00:02:30Intelligent Planning.