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Easier, more powerful and predictive: BOARD 9 addresses the need for smarter decision-making

BOARD International today announced the release of BOARD 9, the new version of the only software solution that unifies Business Intelligence, Performance Management and Analytics in a single environment.

Version 9 introduces a 360 degree improvement of the entire BOARD software platform, both for business users, by delivering significant improvement to their self-service analysis capabilities, and organizations, by offering the capability to easily embed Predictive Analytics into enterprise decision making processes.


BOARD 9 offers numerous innovative features:


BOARD Enterprise Analytics Modelling (BEAM) is a new module that seamlessly integrates Advanced and Predictive Analytics into BOARD, making it easy to uncover powerful insights and take action. Extremely flexible, easy to use for business users, superfast, BEAM offers a revolutionary solution to effectively incorporate all the power of Predictive Analytics into daily business operations and decision-making processes.

The second generation of BOARD Mobile apps moves Mobile Intelligence beyond traditional analysis and reporting, extending it to Performance Management.

The introduction of mobile data-entry, write-back and business rules makes it possible to develop and deploy planning, forecasting and simulation applications on iPads and Win 8 tablets.

A completely renewed graphical engine, combined with an extended set of graphs, radically impacts user experience with better interactivity, usability and ease of analysis.

The new geo-intelligence capabilities allow users to analyse spatial data and merge it with dynamic maps in a fully interactive environment.

A ground-breaking In-Memory Server Cluster technology takes BOARD’s scalability and response time to a completely new level by allowing applications deployment across multiple physical machines.

BOARD Nexel enables the use of Excel-like formulas in reports, adding further flexibility to BOARD’s data calculation capability.

“BOARD continues to be the only product on the market capable to offer unified enterprise Business Intelligence and Performance Management with all the flexibility, immediacy of use and self-service capabilities required by business users -comments Giovanni Grossi, BOARD CEO-. The release of BOARD 9 is simply a great advancement of our unparalleled capability to improve business decision making in companies of any size and industry”.


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