On-demand Webinar German Financial Consolidation: So unterstützt Board GCR Sie effizient im Konsolidierungsprozess Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian La trasformazione digitale a supporto del Procurement Planning Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian ESG: il cuore pulsante delle aziende moderne. La chiave per un business etico. Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian Sales & Operations Planning: la chiave per un’azienda coesa Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar French Comment limiter durablement les écarts entre prévisions de trésorerie et réalisations ? Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian Trasformazione digitale nel Manufacturing: un viaggio di successo. Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar French Board et Citwell | S&OP | C’est compliqué de faire simple ! Watch the webinar
Analyst report: BARC The Future of BI and Analytics: Generative AI is changing the rules Download the analyst report: barc
On-demand Webinar German Future-proof FP&A: Machen Sie Ihre Finanzplanung fit für die Zukunft! Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar English Unlocking S&OP success: How PPD Global optimized planning with Board Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian Modello di pianificazione integrata per la filiera agro-alimentare. L’esperienza Apofruit Watch the webinar
Analyst report: Ventana Research Ventana Business Planning Buyers Guide 2023 Download the analyst report: ventana research
On-demand Webinar French Pilotage de la masse salariale | Comment rétablir le dialogue de gestion entre les différentes fonctions de l’entreprise ? Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian Intelligent Merchandise Planning. I benefici di un modello adattivo nel caso Piazza Italia Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar French Costing | Nouveaux enjeux et apports d'une solution de pilotage de la performance Watch the webinar
On-demand Webinar Italian Reply Consulting e Board: dal “Cost Control” al “Cost Management” Watch the webinar
Analyst report: BARC Boost Finance Productivity with Unified Performance Management Download the analyst report: barc