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BOARD USA and Accelaway to Host Networking and Business Analytics Workshop in Denver, CO

BOARD USA today announced it will host a networking and business analytics event with BOARD Certified Partner, Accelaway, at the Denver Marriott Tech Center on December 10, 2014 at 8 AM. 

“This event is designed to allow business professionals to meet, share business successes and challenges, and discuss the concept of business analytics,” said Director of Sales, Russ Miears. “Our hope is that people will leave this event with an understanding of how their companies can use their data to make better and more informed decisions next year.”

During this two-hour networking event, attendees will learn about business intelligence, corporate performance management and predictive analytics, and what these topics mean for business success in 2015. The experts from BOARD and Accelaway will offer an overview of business analytics, and how they can help companies improve processes and drive revenue in 2015.

To learn more and to register for this event, please visit:  or contact Cristina Lepore at [email protected] 


About Accelaway

Accelaway is the next generation of our solutions implementation and consulting services company founded in 2001. The inspiration for our name “Accelaway” comes from competitive racing when the better performer accelerates away from the competition. We bring that same competitiveness to business and apply high-performance solutions to the three major cornerstones of business: process, technology and organization. With a focus on measurable results, Accelaway can help you find a way to accelerate your business success.



BOARD International is a global leader in the Business Intelligence and Performance Management space. BOARD has enabled over 2,500 companies worldwide to rapidly deploy BI and CPM applications in a single integrated environment completely programming-free and in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions. BOARD provides one accurate, complete view of an organization’s information, fully integrated with its processes, uniquely linking performance from strategic vision to all levels down to operational detail. BOARD has a worldwide reseller network with local partners across the globe.


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