BOARD International Empowers Business Users with Self-Service Data Modeling and Loading
BOARD International, the leading global provider of software for unified Business Intelligence, Analytics and Performance Management, today announced the release of “Data Fast Track,” a new BOARD function for automatic data discovery, modeling, mash-up and uploading.
The BOARD Data Fast Track will minimize business users’ “time to insight,” through self-service data preparation. With the new functionality, users will be able to create compelling visual analyses and analytical applications from raw data, without the help of IT, in a matter of seconds.
Data Fast Track will allow users to connect to a dataset and automatically build a BOARD data model that reflects similarities and relationships among all data items. Users can then enrich the data model by automatically blending additional data sets or by creating derived fields in an Excel-like environment. Once the data model is finalized, BOARD’s drag-and-drop environment will allow the immediate creation of any analyses.
At this point, the IT team can easily promote the new business models to enterprise level, maintaining full data governance.
“BOARD Data Fast Track represents a revolution in the BI, Performance Management and Data Discovery space” said BOARD International CEO Giovanni Grossi “Unlike our competitors, we manage self-service data discovery and Enterprise BI in a single platform rather than with two different products that are incapable of sharing their data environments. BOARD offers all the self-service capabilities that traditional BI and Performance Management platforms are not delivering, combined with the governance capability that other data discovery products are not providing.”
BOARD Data Fast Track will be included in the forthcoming BOARD release generally available by 14th September.
About BOARD International
BOARD International has enabled more than 3,000 companies worldwide to rapidly deploy BI and CPM applications on a single integrated and programming-free platform, in a fraction of the time or cost required by traditional BI solutions. The BOARD platform provides a single, accurate and complete view of an organization’s information, fully integrated with enterprise processes, while uniquely planning and monitoring performance from strategic down to operational detail.
BOARD has a worldwide direct sales force and a reseller network with local partners across the globe.