External event

PI Apparel Merchandise Planning Event 2024 - USA

New York, NY

The PI Apparel Merchandise Planning New York Event brings together leading Retailers to explore the latest in data analytics, smart forecasting, and strategic planning for crafting supremely customer-focused products.

Find out more about the event here.

If you plan on attending this year's event and are in pursuit of a solution to make your merchandise planning more agile, responsive, resilient or efficient, please schedule a 1:1 meeting with us by completing the form or visit us at Booth #1.

Trusted by over 2,000 customer globally, find out how you can drive growth, manage risk, ensure profitability, and lead transformation with game-changing merchandise planning solutions that deliver intelligent ways to address the following capabilities:

  • Assortment Planning
  • Allocation and Replenishment
  • Open-to-Buy
  • Retail Demand Planning


Don't miss our speaking session with SWIM USA!

The Planning Platform Advantage: Flexible, Scalable, Intelligent

Wednesday September 25th | 12:20pm | Room 1

In today's fast-paced retail environment, having access to accurate and timely data is essential for effective decision-making. In this presentation, Swim USA shares how a single, unified planning solution can support common, yet flexible business process, ensuring that all departments can work collaboratively while retaining the agility to adapt to their unique needs.

Discover how Swim USA uses Board as a ‘One Stop Shop’ for gathering and managing merchandise plan information, transforming planning efficiencies, managing demand volatility, and supporting the growth potential of direct-to-consumer operating models. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how unified planning can drive planning efficiencies and operate with one version of the truth and transform profitability.