Live webinar

Effective Commercial Performance Management

From the conceptual basis to system implementation. Join the webinar with our partner Horváth

A lot is measured in sales and other commercial functions with many different key figures existing. But which are the right ones? How can we shift the perspective from looking into the past towards the future? And how can systems support this?

Technological change is rapid, the market environment is volatile and yet performance management has not adapted in many companies.

In our webinar, we would like to show you which components are required for modern commercial performance management and how systemic implementation can take place.

You will find out:

  • What benefits mature commercial performance management offers
  • Which components you should clarify conceptually before using software
  • How Board software solutions support your commercial performance management
  • What the first steps can look like

Can't join the webinar live? No worries! Fill out the registration form anyways and we will send you the recording.

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    Horváth is an international, independent management consultancy with more than 1,400 employees at locations in Europe, the USA and other global markets. As a top consultancy for transformation, performance management and digitalisation, Horváth leads companies and public organisations to sustainable success and long-term high value creation - as an enabler, guide and companion on the road to sustainable value. In successful times, in challenging times, in uncertain times - always with a view to the long-term and sustainable success of the company.


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    Markus Baier | Senior Project Manager, Business Unit Sales, Marketing & Pricing | Horváth
  • Effective Commercial Performance Management Image 3
    Tim Lindemann | Senior Pre-Sales Consultant | Board